Friday, April 22, 2016

Yahoo and Flickr

 These photos have  nothing in common with the subject, except that they are on Flickr.

To be able to have an account on Flickr, one must first open a connected email account on Yahoo, who own Flickr. Many people hate that, as they seem to hate Yahoo. I have not had any problems with Yahoo so maybe you have to be an American to understand why.

In 2013-14 Flickr changed its appearance and  systems, which has given lots of problems to many: slowness, automatically making new accounts so one cannot get to one's photos, not being able to view your photos, Pandas ( a photo of a girl pulling a toy panda,  which appears when you have to wait), you name it! Now it seems that Yahoo must sell Flickr, which causes uncertainty.  I certainly do not care for any other photo sites.

The kitten by the way fell asleep on a guy's knees and he found out that it was possible to set the kitten's paws anyway he wanted and they stayed that way!

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