Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Snow owl

Snow owl by ausfi
Snow owl, a photo by ausfi on Flickr.

Darren LoPrinzi from flickr says:As someone in the visual communication industry, I think it has a blocky and childish style, but moreover the chunky fonts and lack of formatting does nothing to help compartmentalize all the various informational bits jammed in that it resembles a page of text with no paragraph breaks. ...that is a big reason why it looks so jumbled and hard on the eyes.

What is really baffling is that I am hearing claims of how it's improved over the last few months. For the most part, the "improvements" are actually just the restoration of old, necessary functions that were taken away when the beta page first came out. I can't in good conscience call those "improvements."

That all said, I know this page is coming out whether I like it or I tried on numerous occasions to stay opted in in order to get used to know, rip the bandaid right off. But I couldn't stay. It's downright painful to read or write comments...and of course there is NO HTML, so we cannot use ANY code that the NPE offers ANYWHERE on Flickr......and staff refuses to answer how they are handling photos in discussion threads going forward. "

This is so much the way I think also. I really dread the day when it will be the norm. I sometimes go to the new page to check but come always back to the present one, Fortunately, after Darren wrote this, the photos in comments are back which is a great relief but what will happen to the map?
Hopefully there are still many things they have to do. so the day when I open my page and have no alternative, will still will be far away.

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